At the beginning, we affirm that your security and the insurance of your own data is perhaps of our most significant interest, and that we are focused on completely safeguarding your protection inside the site.
Kindly read this arrangement cautiously. Your utilization of our site implies your acknowledgment of this approach.

The following is our full Security Strategy, with a couple of central issues:

We won’t sell, lease, or offer your own data with some other organizations, with the exception of the people who need it to assist us with serving you, (for example, giving your postal location or portable number to an outsider for conveyance purposes).
At the point when you present any structure to our site, we guarantee you that we are utilizing a solid layer. Secure Layer innovation safeguards your data, utilizing both server validation and information encryption, guaranteeing that information is secure and simply accessible to you.

Data that will be gathered by Run Store:

To submit the request on the store, you are expected to sign in with your email and secret word, or with the reference number. What’s more, while submitting a request on our site, you are approached to give individual data and other data, for example, your name, phone number, address.

Likewise, if you request any item, an email will be expected to enroll with Just Card, and this email will connect your information to the card and permit you to add, adjust and erase any information from Run items, and we guarantee you that we won’t impart this email to any outsider and Every one of your information enlisted inside the Scramble framework won’t be imparted to any outsider